$247.00 USD

12 monthly payments

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Refund Policy: In order to claim a refund, Rewired must be completed in full (along with the worksheets). If you've completed the course during the first 90 days and feel that Rewired didn’t live up to its promise, just email [email protected] that you’re dissatisfied with the content and attach each of your completed assignments. Upon receiving your completed worksheets, we'll give you a full refund. 

Successful people also know how to master the mindset of wealth and abundance.

By clicking the box below, you can also get my Financial Mastery Course at 85% off (Normally $1,997. You Invest Only $297).

Here's what you'll learn by adding Financial Mastery: 

  • The step-by-step DEEP DIVE financial mindset program with 5+ hours of life-changing content to completely reverse or improve your financial life!

  • Learn how to attract abundance (instead of chasing after it or forcing it)!

  • Discover the financial peace of mind you’ve been working toward and wishing for!

Praise for Financial Mastery: 

  • "This investment is a gift. No matter what comes of it from here on out, it's paid me in full already." - Sarah Kroger
  • "My mind is blown. I really didn't think I could make that much of a change in my mindset about money in such a short period of time. What started as fear and anxiety turned into abundance. I highly recommend you take the time to deep dive into it. You will not be disappointed." - Danielle Mignemi
  • "This course has given me a completely different way of looking at myself. After taking this course, I feel like I have direction. Clarity continues to come to me. I'm beyond grateful for Brad! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and I'm getting excited about the future." - Sylvia Leal

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Rewired - Success Accelerator - Payment Plan + FREE Success & Accountability Pods

  • Completely-Change-Your-Life-Or-It's-On-Me Guarantee

  • Instant access to the FULL Rewired Online Course! (Value: $9,997)

  • Private Support and Accountability Community (Value: $997)

  • Monthly Office Hours Q&A w/ Brad (Value: $7,997/ year) 
  • Customization Worksheets and Exercises (Value: $97)

  • Rewired On The Go (Private Podcast) (Value: $497)

  • Rewired Live Ticket ($997)
  • Exclusive Access to The Success Accelerator: A 5 Day Mindset Challenge Content (Value: $197) 
  • Success & Accountability Pods (Value: $997)

TOTAL VALUE: $21,776

What Some of Our Rewired Clients Are Saying:

After Rewired, I had complete clarity—a new sense of aspiration. Fast forward 6 months, and I earned 6 figures while at home with my new baby. I am on track to more than double my 6 figure salary. I have so much more happiness, confidence, and compassion! This program means the world to me because it changed my life.

Kassie DeWitt - Entrepreneur

Disagreements with my husband have ended and my marriage is thriving. I'm a more present mother with my two toddlers. My anxiety no longer controls me and I'm genuinely the happiest I've ever been!

Janelle LaBrie - Stay At Home Mom of Two

After enrolling in Brad’s course, I was given a promotion to Senior Vice President of Bank of America. Just a few short weeks later, my annual bonus doubled to $30,000! Now it’s 2 years after my husband was laid off and we are still doing well enough for him to stay home. Next year, I’m in qualification for a 4 week sabbatical in addition to my existing vacation!

Jenni Lily Watson - Senior Vice President of Bank of America

Brad revealed to me, my purpose, hidden in plain sight, ending a 17 year search.

Craig Gardner - Alignment Coach

I've experienced unparalleled productivity, enabling me to achieve more goals faster than ever before.

Jenny Varela - Creator of Mundo Fantastico

Without Brad's insights, I would not be living just minutes from Walt Disney World, a lifelong dream, YEARS before I thought I'd make this a reality.

Julie Voris - Top 1% Network Marketer In The World

I hit business goals that hadn’t hit for 7+ months all because my mindset and energy changed. I truly found my purpose and what sets my soul on fire. I feel so much more confident.

Rachelle Ruffner - Owner of Rise Up Adventure Retreats