[FREE QUIZ] - What's Your Unique Success Archetype?

Your Inner Calling

Nov 15, 2021

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  • How to listen to your inner voice
  • Mastering outside and inside voices
  • Recognizing Everyone’s Greatest Obstacle
  • Identifying the right critics in your life
  • Watch the video for the full training!



Your ideas are not crazy and the world will tell you that they are.

If there is a calling within you that says life can be so much more, you have to act on it NOW.

Don't wake up years from now finding yourself having the same "bad day" over and over. 

When you have a vision, nudge, a pull, or possibility within you that you are meant to do something... that inner calling is an expression of who really you are.


Fear stops people from going after it. 

Don't listen to other people or that inner critic that tells you it's a bad idea.

Today we are going to talk about:

  1. The outside influences that may hold you back
  2. The inside influences of fear and doubt when you're not sure if it's a good idea

That calling is your soul waiting to be expanded. 


If you're not growing, you feel like you're dying.

What is the thing that you're really curious about?

What could you talk about or do all day long without even needing to get paid for it?

There may be risk involved, but when I take a look at my life, everything that is incredible all stemmed from taking a leap of faith when I was uncomfortable and didn't know how it would go.

As you decide to move forward towards possibility, there a couple things that could stand in your way. These things are outside and inside voices, but if you can master them, life will quickly get so much easier.

Outside Voices = Other People's Opinions

  • You will never be criticized from someone who is doing better than you. You will only be criticized by those who gave up or don't believe that their dreams are even possible.
  • Never take constructive criticism from someone who's never constructed anything.
  • Look to people who have what you want to have and are making their dreams and vision a reality. These are the people who are asking you how they can support you on your journey.
  • The people in your life who love you, but don't support you are just trying to protect you. We need to see their intentions through the lens of love and compassion. They're not trying to hurt you.

Inside Voices = Fear

  • Soul VS Ego
    • Soul --> the piece of you that wants to expand and knows that everything will be okay
    • Ego (Everyone's Greatest Obstacle) --> Wants to keep you safe, you are NOT your ego, you are a witness to your ego
      • TIP - Give your ego a silly or funny name and speak to it when you notice these thoughts to disassociate and interrupt the pattern of thinking not serving you
  • If you expect these voices in your head to disappear before you act, then you're not going to act!
  • Those voices are never going to disappear, but you can accept that they are just trying to protect you.

All resistance from inside or outside voices have good intention.

It's meant to protect you & keep you safe.

You don't need that protection though because you've always been okay. It's always worked out and taught you a lesson along the way.

Life's lessons will get louder and louder until you choose to listen, if you don't listen to them, you will feel stuck and less than.

Think about the consequences of NOT listening to this voice:

  • Waking up having the same "bad day"
  • In the same job, underpaid and overworked
  • Feeling less than knowing you were meant for so much more
  • Thinking "Is this all there really is?"
  • Feeling completely exhausted
  • Burnt out

There is more in you than that.

Your inner calling is there for a reason. It's there to serve you. To help you grow and expand.

When you listen to those callings, your inner truths, on a regular basis, the magic starts to come alive!

My challenge for you today is to listen to that inner calling within you that says "I know I am meant for more" and notice where you are getting your advice from.

If you want to understand why you listen to the voices you do or certain people's opinions in your life, it may be the way you go about success or the beliefs you have about what's holding you back...

Let's identify what those beliefs are!

Take our free quiz to find your starting point of success.

Learn about your strengths, your limiting beliefs and/or weaknesses, your predictability of success based on how you 're currently viewing your path to success!


>>> Take the quiz to find out now! quizzes.bradbizjack.com <<<




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What's YOUR unique success archetype? Take the quiz to find out now! quizzes.bradbizjack.com

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